There are about ten adventure racing events of varying duration and degrees of difficulty organized in Croatia on an annual basis, ranging from the fairly easy and short events to exceptionally demanding races that last several days. Athletes and recreationalists alike willing to engage in extreme efforts are discovering not only the wilderness of mountain and forested areas, of rivers, islands and the sea but also their beauty. The diversity and wealth of landscapes and terrains provide race organizers with an inexhaustible selection of possibilities in planning adventure routes.
The beauty and, yes, traps, of the preserved natural environment of Croatia offers countless challenges on land and beneath it, under its waters and by them. This is why adventure racing in Croatia soon gained in popularity among local and foreign crews. Events organized include rafting, kayaking and mountain biking, orienteering, paragliding and climbing competitions, marathon races, triathlon contests and other outdoor sports events. They all contribute to the spread of knowledge and experience regarding activities in nature, the development of skills among athletes and recreationalists but also of the professional guides who often participate either as organizers or competitors.
Activities and competitions are also being introduced into team building programmes and outdoor events, but in their easier versions. Opportunities for socializing in a camp site and by the camp fire are practically unlimited, which makes the team building and incentive trips a group experience that consolidates cooperation, boosts self assurance and promotes friendship among the participants - in short, an experience long to be remembered.
INFO KI Challenge
Ucka night trek
Terra Incognita Croatia
Velebit adventure trekking
Zagreb Urban Challenge
Cro challenge Paklenica
Cro challenge Dalmatia
Cro challenge Dubrovnik
Source: Croatian National Tourist Board